The Big Picture

The global pivot toward sustainability is the greatest business opportunity of all time

According to the United Nations, during the next thirty five years the number of people living in cities around the globe will double from 3.5 billion to 7 billion people, which means the total amount of urban space on the globe must also double. Simultaneously, we need to increase food production by 70% by 2050 to feed 9 billion people. With climate change and the world's resource already at a tipping point, "business as usual" will push the world far beyond it's carrying capacity and increase global temperatures driving rapid changes in the climate that will challenge many specie's survivability. Answering the call to this dilemma requires a sustainable development solution that can scale to global proportions. Catering to this massive demand is both a daunting challenge and the greatest business opportunity of all time.

A Pain-Point that must be solved

With the combined impacts of climate changes, resources scarcity, population growth, and rapid urbanization, we find ourselves confronted with the disastrous consequences of our unsustainable way of living. Simply put, the way we are living is killing the planet and causing extreme social tensions, economic inequality, climate change, and a host of other related problems. Our disastrous lifestyle, obsolete urban infrastructure, and inefficient utility supply chains are a big part of the dilemma we find ourselves in.  As the rapid-urbanization phenomena continues to speed up across the globe, we are now forced to acknowledge that all future urban growth must somehow be handled in a sustainable manner if we are to avoid the potential catastrophic results of this unprecedented mass-migration of people moving into the world's cities. 

NextGenUrban has a scalable market solution to address the challenge and seize upon this historic business opportunity. 

Consumers want it... and The World Needs It

Consumers are tired of only hearing about sustainability and just want to be sustainable. NextGenUrban is making a jump to the end-game; a solution that delivers instant, hassle-free sustainable lifestyles.


A Profound Moment in History

We are experiencing a profound and unique moment in history as the world attempts a passionate yet unscripted pivot toward global sustainability. 

With this great shift there are winners emerging, and losers fading in every industry and across every region as disruption finds it's footing.

The forces of population growth, rapid urbanization, and rampant consumerism have collided with the realities of diminishing resources extreme social inequalities and climate change. The situation demands an urgent response on a scale never before seen. The result is a "Global Pivot Toward Sustainability."  It's being driven by the realization that if we are to avoid the most severe repercussions of this dilemma, it is now critical to immediately reinvent our present way of living and rapidly rebuild nearly every sector of society so it operates within the globe's carrying capacity and a framework of sustainability.

Obscured by the enormous complexity of this situation is the simple fact that we, as a species, have never been so well equipped to tackle this challenge. There has never been a better opportunity for us to seize the day and co-create the world we want to leave behind for future generations. And never have so many people from every corner of the globe been united in such a passionate unscripted social movement.  Occasionally lost in the overwhelming magnitude of this social phenomenon is the fact that this massive shift has created the greatest business opportunity of all time.

In the real estate utility and service industries related to our work here at NextGenUrban, the consumer's hopes dreams and desires have outrun the standard product offerings and the "business as usual" approach to such an extent that we pained to see our industry's total failure to connect with the consumer. We see a massive gulf of unmet demand created by a supply-side failure in the real estate industry to provide a well-formulated sustainable product offering. 

With our "Sustainable Lifestyles as a Service" value proposition  NextGenUrban is well positioned to capture this growing demand being driven by the massive shift in consumer expectations related to the global pivot toward sustainability. 


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